Fylicia Barr Eventing is a full service training facility, offering full training board, ship in lessons, coaching at events and clinics. FBE is located in the heart of Unionville, Pennsylvania for the majority of the year, and for the winter months they relocate to Fox Mill Farm in Oxford, Pennsylvania.
FBE travels to compete at the majority of USEA Area II Events and also attends several unrecognized schooling shows as well. Training Board FBE builds a training schedule around each individual horse and rider's needs. Full board includes lesson and/or training rides each week, and cost varies according to the training program. Ship-in lessons are $90 for private dressage or small group jump lessons. Coaching and travel fees to competitions may apply. Clinic Fees are $110/person/day Travel reimbursement will apply beyond 50 mile radius. Minimum number of participants 6. Small groups will be divided by level/ability. Fylicia has a loyal group of clients who have been training and competing with her since she began her own business in 2018. Their skill level varies from beginner novice to the upper levels, and they all share a love for the sport and strong camaraderie.